Celebrating Ronjanae Stevens

Mrs. Kelley says:
When I think of Ronjanae I think of someone with wisdom and maturity beyond her years. Every time Ronjane speaks, she speaks with impact. There is deep thought and wisdom behind her words whether in class or outside of class. Although I had Ronjanae in English class, it was outside of the classroom where I would truly see her shine. She always sees the good in people, and I think that makes her kind. If someone was struggling, she would be there. If someone ever needed a real talk, she was there. If someone just needed a friend, she was there. And if someone was being picked on, you better believe that she was there. Ronjane knows this world is bigger than her, but that she can have an immense effect on the people in it. Her kindness has no limit. In this crazy world there are just some people who are good, and she is one of them!

