Mr. Claggett says: Tariq came to us in Middle School. The road started out a little rocky as Tariq was trying to find his footing. Tariq was… well let’s just say for the sake of arguing, had a lot to say back in those days. After many meetings with mom and presumably the transition to High School, the light bulb came on. I can not express to people, or give you and your parents enough credit when I talk about you for this almost seamless evolution into the young man staff have come to know you as today. A lot of time and effort were put into you both here at the school and at home. It took a lot of effort on your part to want to become the young man you are today. Your parents and family members can want what’s best for you, teachers and staff can want the same way, but at the end of the day, you have to want and be willing to go and get it, and take control of who you want to be. I can say that you have come a very long way from Middle School and I feel you will continue to do great things. The same way you are being raised, I know you will instill into your children one day. I truly will miss working with you and your family. I will also miss the conversations about life and the world as it is in my office, as well as the countless conversations about sports at lunch. I looked forward to those because it was refreshing to be speaking with someone as knowledgeable as you were about it all. It really helped to break up the day. Congratulations Tariq, you deserve it in more ways than one. Continue on the path you have designed for yourself. Stay the course and make sure to focus on the little things that have gotten you to this point, because they inevitably make the bigger things easier to attain. Good luck in all you do!