
  • Strategic Growth Plan

    Strategic Growth Plan

    Urban Pathways is excited to announce that we’ve been working on a Strategic Plan to create authentic and sustainable excellence for our school. To guide us on this journey, we joined forces with School Growth LLC, Charter Choices, Inc., and Metcalfe Architecture & Design to take a comprehensive and holistic approach to plan for the future…

  • Senior Parent Transition Virtual Meeting

    Senior Parent Transition Virtual Meeting

    A Senior Parent Transition Meeting will take place on Thursday, April 25th at 6:30pm for senior parents/guardians. Ms. Beck will be going over information regarding your student’s next steps as they transition out of high school and the Pittsburgh Promise and The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) will share details about your student’s eligibility for their programs and services. Check your email for the Zoom link…

  • Mother’s Day Brunch

    Mother’s Day Brunch

    Friday, May 10th, 9:00 – 10:00 AM Urban Pathways Charter School 912 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Please RSVP to Ms. Jackie by April 30th (412)392-4601 EXT 200

  • Resource: Devereux/TCV Apr. Newsletter

    Resource: Devereux/TCV Apr. Newsletter

  • Tutoring Reminder

    Tutoring Reminder

    Tutoring is available daily until 4:15pm with the AmeriCorps members in room 321. Saturday School is also available every Saturday from 9 AM -12 PM.

  • Tutoring Reminder

    Tutoring Reminder

    Tutoring is available daily until 4:15pm with the AmeriCorps members in room 321. Saturday School is also available every Saturday from 9 AM -12 PM.