Board of Directors

Each Urban Pathways board member serves an integral role in overseeing that our academics, finances, and operations are of the highest quality in order to provide our students and their families with the best experience possible.

The 2024-2025 proposed budget is available for public inspection. If you have any questions please email Lauren Lang at

Urban Pathways Board of Directors
Denny Irvine, President

Denny lives in Murrysville with his wife, Anne. His two grown children Tom and Meg, are Special Education teachers working at North Allegheny School District and Propel Charter School in Pitcairn. Denny taught at Penn Hills School District for thirty years in Vocational Education. He served four years as a member of the Franklin Regional School Board before assuming his position on the UPCS Board of Directors. He currently is a substitute teacher at Mother of Sorrows School in Murrysville and Aquinas Academy in Greensburg.

Dr. Darrell Payne, vice president
Amber Spells, Treasurer
Carol Galbreath, secretary

Carol has been on the board of Urban Pathways 6-12 Charter School since 2013, serving first as secretary, then as president 2016-2023, and currently as secretary again.  Carol is now retired from a long career at BNY Mellon, formerly Mellon Bank, where she had worked in Information Technology and later in Talent Development. She was certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP) in 2001, and has volunteered with the local chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI). Carol has long been involved in committee work in the Presbyterian Church and has served as elder in several churches which she has attended over the years.  She and her husband Jay have two adult children, and currently reside in Hickory, PA.

Wanda Franklin, Community member

Marissa PArk, Community Member

If you’re interested in joining our Board of Directors, please contact for more information.

Upcoming Board Meetings

The following dates are the Board of Trustees meetings for the 2023-2024 school year. All meetings begin at 6:00 pm and will be held virtually, unless otherwise specified. Please click on the date(s) below to view the agenda for that meeting:

Please contact for more information.

To join the zoom board meeting, click on the link below on the date of the meeting at 6:00 pm.

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